Personal Exhibition of Dimitrios Chiotopoulos - "Alogo"

Exhibition duration: 19/04/2018 to 05/05/2018

Ersi Gallery presents the solo painting exhibition of Dimitrios Chiotopoulos on Thursday 19 April 2018 at 20:00 pm

Opening: Thursday, April 19m, 2018 at 20:00 pm
Exhibition duration: from April 19 to May 5 , 2018

Entitled Alogo and text curated by Giuliano Serafini, well-knownspecialist inmodern and contemporary Greek art the display comprises 10 panels, in which it isrepeated, inchromatic variations, the same image: two face-to-face and rampant horses. Through the extremerarefaction of the image, Chiotopoulos elaborates on a sort of heraldic motifreferring to the archetypal value of the image it self. Myth and history seem to condense into aluminous, almost unrecognizable, sign, where the original meaning of the word in Greek is being activated. To quote Serafini: "... from the etymology of the word the artist haspulled out and "transliterated" the etymology of the icon, accomplishing a real transferfrom a verbal communicative context to a plastic one..." And also: "Yet, this passage could not be completed through a descriptive, naturalistic expression or by means of a finished and easily recognizable form Chiotopoulos would rath ergo back to the original meaning of the subject, its primary identity, as it is evoked and attested by the relative word itself. Therefore, it is actually not about trying to find a real image, but instead, a morpheme, asubliminalintuition. What he needs is to stage the aura, the energy and the electrics hock ready to dissolve, to seize the visioninits source, since from this flashemanates the “spiritual” essence of the horse, its soul..."

updated: 12-04-2018 11:36

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