
Group Exhibition

Exhibition duration: 15/12/2023 to 29/02/2024

Solo Exhibition "Gesture and Removal"

Kostas Loustas (1933-2014)

Exhibition duration: 02/11/2023 to 02/12/2023

Gallery Ersi @ Art Athina 2023


Exhibition duration: 14/09/2023 to 17/09/2023

Exhibition "Urban School"

Painting Group Exhibition

Exhibition duration: 12/07/2023 to 30/09/2023

Group Exhibition "Exercises of the Gaze"

Advanced Drawing Lab, Ionian University

Exhibition duration: 08/06/2023 to 08/07/2023

Solo Exhibition "The lost intellectuals"

Vangelis Dimitreas

Exhibition duration: 04/05/2023 to 03/06/2023

Solo Exhibition "μeταβαsη"

Michalis Papadopoulos

Exhibition duration: 20/04/2023 to 02/05/2023

Transformations of the urban landscape - Markings of the countryside

Group Exhibition

Exhibition duration: 09/03/2023 to 14/04/2023

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Kleomenous 4, Kolonaki, Athens ,Greece
210 7220231