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Painters paint the dream -Painting Exhibition

Exhibition duration: 18/12/2010 to 08/01/2011

Kostas Markopoulos - Painting Exhibition

Exhibition duration: 27/11/2010 to 16/12/2010

Mariam Ioanna David - Painting Exhibition

Exhibition duration: 16/09/2010 to 30/09/2010

Painting Exhibition - "Neighborhoods with past and future"

Exhibition duration: 16/12/2009 to 16/01/2010

Painting Exhibition - Summer 2009

Exhibition duration: 06/07/2009 to 06/09/2009

Painting Exhibition - Giorgos Nikolaidis

Exhibition duration: 04/05/2009 to 23/05/2009

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Kleomenous 4, Kolonaki, Athens ,Greece
210 7220231